Thursday 9 December 2010

Heavylifting in progress

This one is taking forever, i took a different approach to this animation by drawing out the extremes and then inbetweening. This technique seems to be taking me longer than when i just did a run through, however the result is that the character doesnt shrink as much which is good :)


Jumping Frog!! i found this animation a little more difficult than the bouncing ball as it involved alot more movement from things like limbs. But luckily the animators survival kit was there again to save the day with a great frog jumping animation that clearly showed the squash and stretch. thank you you godly book you.

2D Balls

I found the Balls quite easy to do once i sorted out the size so that the balls wouldn't shrink or get bigger. i overcame this problem with the heavyball by using a 2p coin. The only change i would make to my animation is to make the heavyball bounce a little higher on its first bounce. other than that i believe i have done quite a good job. The only problem i am having with 2d animation is speed, i cant seem to churn out the drawings at a constant pace.

Floating Paper

I found this animation incredibly easy for one simple reason....IT'S IN THE ANIMATOR'S SURVIVAL KIT!!! YEA!!. Seriously that book is the best value for money i have spent this year. it helped me to get the correct sort of weight and feel of the paper as it bends and weaves through the air.

Sunday 5 December 2010

Fruit Bowl

Alright folks i know its late but with the amount of work and confusion on deadlines lately i'm sure you could cut me some slack. well i found the texturing tutorials incredibly helpful as it meant i didnt have to take so many notes that i probably wont understand in a few months. and instead i can revisit these tutorials forever!!!!! i quite enjoyed the texturing of the fruit and i find the appliance of textures in maya to be a hell of a lot more simple than when i used 3ds max. So heres the finished result, i could do with doing some work to the banana's. maybe over christmas when i have a little more time.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Essay Plan

Name: Scott Peden                                   

Essay Tile:  What do you understand by the term ‘Disnyesque’, support your answer with a brief history on the Disney Corporation


A few sentences explaining my initial thoughts on what is understood by the term ‘Disneyesque’.

A brief history of Disney.- a short paragraph describing the how, who and where of how Disney came to be.

What Disney are well known for? -  a short paragraph telling of the achievements and pioneering accomplishments done by the Disney corporation.

Outline of issues, ideas, observations, etc; you will be addressing in the main part of your essay:

Here I will write about the different techniques used in Disney animation:

The extensive use of realism. - Why is there very little surrealism in Disney animation and does this improve the animation. Who does it appeal to?  Why?

The use of anthropomorphosis- why are there so many animals and objects in Disney animation in comparison to the amount of human beings? Do animals appeal more to the target audience?

Why is everything in Disney animations cute?

Are there any darker sides to Disney animation? Hidden meanings or subtle messages.

Research material (books, films, articles, websites, etc. Write in brackets after each source what kind of source it is, e.g. magazine, book etc. Write the full source details (name of author, title, date of the publication etc). This is to aid you in finding the source easily should you need to find it again. You will also need the source in the footnotes and the bibliography of your essay.

Disney’s Art of Animation- from Mickey Mouse to Beauty and the Beast.
Author: Bob Thomas

The Illusion of Life, Disney Animation
Author: Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston

I will use these resources to identify Disney’s techniques and people’s opinions on them. I will also look at different types of animation and compare them to the Disneyesque style. (warner bros, jan leineker, deadsy etc).